Available Thesis Projects
Industrial Measurement Systems
- Use of Artificial Intelligence and hyperspectral imaging for the development of advanced food sorting systems
- Design and commissioning of a test bench based on Hyperspectral cameras for food sorting
- Comparsion of AI algorithms for food classification
- Data fusion for the combination of laser-based and camera-based geometric measurements of open-forged bars
- Design of a vision-based system for the detection of surface characteristics
- Industrial IoT and Big Data for the optimization of automotive components
- Smart Bolted Joints with Integrated Sensors for Structural Health Monitoring
- Mechanical design of a vision system for high-temperature and harsh environments (Advisors: prof Tarabini, prof. Chiariotti, Yuvan Sathya Ravi)
- Use of AI for the classification of corrective insoles’ geometry
- Design of a novel measurement system for bike tests in Polimi wind tunnel
- Effect of vibration amplitude on the cognitive response of walking subjects
- ProFil: Design of an optical fiber measurement system for composite prosthesis monitoring
- Modelling the effect of vibration on the human gait
- Automatic extraction of traction-related sport shoes’ outsole features (with Scott Sports SA)
- Hand-handlebar vibration transmission in gravel and road-race bikes (with Scott Sports SA)
- Design and testing of an open loop controller for a shaker aimed at the study of the effect of vibration on human gait
Instrumentation for Space (@MetroSpace Lab, Lecco)
- ⨏ISPEx Integral-Field Imager and Spectrometer for Planetary Exploration
Supervisor: Prof. Tarabini, Prof. Saggin - RIIFS (Rugged Imaging Infrared Fourier Transform Spectrometer) structural optimization
Supervisor: Prof. Tarabini, Prof. Saggin - RIIFS (Rugged Imaging Infrared Fourier Transform Spectrometer) modeling of the signal in the imaging case
Supervisor: Prof. Tarabini, Prof. Saggin - RIIFS (Rugged Imaging Infrared Fourier Transform Spectrometer) data processing
Supervisor: Prof. Tarabini, Prof. Saggin

Past Theses Project
A machine vision inspection method for monitoring ultrasonically welded non-woven fabric.
Author: Alice Meldoli
Supervisor: Prof. Marco Tarabini
Co-Supervisor: Ing. Chiara Conese, Ing. Paola La Marca
Deep Learning for 3D Object Pose Estimation.
Author: Davide Maria Fabris
Supervisor: Prof. Marco Tarabini
Co-Supervisor: Prof. Remo Sala, Ing. Alessandro Perego
Measurement of the Contact Pressure in an Ultrasonic Welding Machine for Diapers Production Line.
Author: Chiara Conese
Supervisor: Prof. Marco Tarabini
Co-Supervisor: Ing. Paola La Marca
Predictive maintenance system for die-cast aluminium processes.
Author: Fabio Conti
Supervisor: Prof. Marco Tarabini
TechSHRUB – A data acquisition system based on Raspberry PI.
Authors: Giuseppe Lorenzini, Valerio Marcotuli
Supervisor: Prof. Marco Tarabini